Sunday, January 10, 2010


Cats have 290 bones in their body, 1o% of which are located in the tail. In Ancient Rome, the cat was a symbol of liberty. Cat’s whiskers are technically known as vibrissae. Ailurophobia is the morbid fear of cats – suffered by Julius Caesar. Cats have three eyelids on each eye. The extra third is called the haw. Sir Isaac Newton, a noted cat lover, invented the cat flap. According to folklore, if a cat sleeps with all four paws tucked under its body, it is a sign that cold weather is coming. A cat’s heart beats twice as fast as a human heart. Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were sacred animals. Egyptian families would shave off their eyebrows when the family cat passed away. The cheetah is the only member of the cat family with non-retractable claws.

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