Sunday, May 23, 2010




Millions of islands dot the world's oceans. Islands may occur in oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers, and may be very, very small outcroppings or huge land masses such as Greenland.



An island is defined as an area of land surrounded by water; strictly speaking, the continents are islands, but they are not usually referred to as such. Islands may be created when the sea rises, when land sinks, or when volcanoes on the ocean floor emerge above water. Many large islands form when the movement of the earth's crust causes the land to sink. This is how Great Britain became an island and how the Isle of Wight was separated from mainland Britain.

isle_of_wight Island of Wight

There are about 35,000 islands in the Great Lakes; Manitoulin Island in northern Lake Huron is the world's largest freshwater island. A group of islands is called an archipelago.

Archipelago Los Roques VenezuelaArchipelago Los Roques Venezuela


Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Northern Channel Islands (airial)Northern Channel islands

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