Friday, June 11, 2010





Molly Ringwald really wanted to play Allison but Ally Sheedy had already been promised the part.

Anthony Michael Hall's mother and younger sister play his character Brian's mother and sister in the movie.

Director John Hughes insisted that the entire cast and crew eat their meals on location in the Maine North High School cafeteria.

The joke that Bender tells but never finishes (while crawling through the ceiling) actually has no punchline. According to Judd Nelson, he ad-libbed the line. Originally, he was supposed to tell a joke that would end when he came back into the library and said, "Forgot my pencil", but no one could come up with a joke for that punchline.

Nicolas Cage was originally considered for the role of John Bender but the production couldn't afford his salary at the time. John Cusack was originally cast as John Bender, but John Hughes decided to replace him with Judd Nelson before shooting began.

John Hughes wrote the screenplay to this movie in just two days (4 and 5 July 1982).

Claire's entire ensemble was purchased specially for the character from a Ralph Lauren store, the only one in Chicago at the time.

Hughes had rejected the original costume on the grounds that it wasn't sophisticated enough.

The dandruff that Allison shakes onto her pencilled drawing for snow was achieved by sprinkling Parmesan cheese.

Judd Nelson made up many of the terms used in the movie, including 'Neo-Maxi Zoomdweebie'.

John Hughes almost fired Judd Nelson because of his negative attitude towards Molly Ringwald off camera. Paul Gleason convinced Hughes that Nelson was a great actor and was merely trying to stay in character.

Shot entirely in sequence.

Jodie Foster was considered to play Claire and Brooke Shields was considered to play Allison respectively.

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