Saturday, April 30, 2011




DAILY SIN: SHOWERING EVERY DAY: Using really hot water combined with harsh soaps can strip the skin of its oils, resulting in dryness, cracking and even infection.

DAILY SIN: SLEEPING EIGHT HOURS A DAY: The notion of getting eight hours of solid sleep each night is a ‘modern convention’ that could leave you feeling more tired, says Professor Jim Horne, of Loughborough University’s Sleep Research Centre. ‘We’ve evolved to have very flexible sleep patterns and fragmented sleep — including daytime napping — can be of real benefit. A short four to 15-minute “power nap” can be as effective as an extra hour at night.’

DAILY SIN: RINSING AFTER BRUSHING TEETH: Rinsing washes away the protective fluoride coating left by the toothpaste, which would otherwise add hours of protection. One dentist, Dr. Phil Stemmer said, “I try to avoid drinking any fluids for at least half an hour after brushing — it’s a strange sensation at first, but you quickly get used to it. And I don’t even wet my toothbrush under the tap before brushing as this can dilute the effect of the toothpaste. There’s plenty of moisture in your mouth without adding excess water.’

DAILY SIN: CLEANING: Housework can actually be bad for your health, according to research published earlier this year. Scientists in the U.S. tested over 100 working men and women and found those who took on most of the responsibility for running the home had significantly higher blood pressure than those who left it to their partner. The strongest link with high blood pressure came from worries over how to get domestic chores such as cooking, cleaning and shopping done.

DAILY SIN: RELAXING AFTER DINNER: If you’re inactive during the evening, or you eat just before bed, your body’s more likely to lay down that food as fat. Taking a brisk 20-minute walk after dinner — as you should — means there’s no reason why eating your evening meal at 8pm, or even 9pm should make you put on any weight.

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