Sunday, December 11, 2011



  • In the 1950's the hula hoop was banned in Tokyo due to the large number of traffic accidents it caused.
  • In the 1970's, the Rhode Island Legislature in the US entertained a proposal that there be a $2 tax on every act of sexual intercourse in the State.
  • In the 19th century, craftsmen who made hats were known to be excitable and irrational, as well as to tremble with palsy and mix up their words. Such behaviour gave rise to the familiar expression "mad as a hatter". The disorder, called hatter's shakes, was caused by chronic mercury poisoning from the solution used to treat the felt. Attacking the central nervous system, the toxin led to behavioural symptoms.
  • In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette.
  • In the early Twentieth century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat epilepsy.
  • In the English hospitals of the seventeenth century, children were entitled to two gallons of beer as part of their weekly diet.
  • In the famous line 'Wherefore art thou Romeo', wherefore means why, not where.
  • In the film 'Star Trek : First Contact', when Picard shows Lilly she is orbiting Earth, Australia and Papa New Guinea are clearly visible .. but New Zealand is missing .
  • In the first 2 years after 'talkies' appeared, US cinema's have attracted over 100 million people a week.
  • In the Great Seal of the US the eagle grasps 13 arrows and an olive branch.

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