Sunday, February 19, 2012



this_means_war_posterThe satirical American publication Mad Magazine has a short comic-strip called Spy vs Spy.  Within its panels are two spies endlessly trying to out-do the other.  Those wanting a cinematic equivalent need not look further with ‘This Means War’.  Whilst nowhere near as clever as that anarchic strip, it has some level of sharp humour.  Amiable fluff like ‘This Means War’ may not linger in the memory but manages to consistently entertain.

CIA agents Foster (Chris Pine) and Tuck (Tom Hardy) are the best in their field.  Always up to date with the latest technology and great friends, their abilities are much sought after.  Their friendship is tested when Lauren (Reese Witherspoon) arrives.  Attempting to command her attention, the friends try to out-wit the other in order to succeed.  Using any means at their disposal they go head to head in the ultimate battle in espionage supremacy.

‘This Means War’ won’t be winning awards for subtlety.  Spy devotees can see its many plot points coming a mile away.  Some pretty ropey dialogue makes the general story very formulaic.  Finely filmed action sequences and great leads raise ‘This Means’ War’ above the level of mediocrity.  Hardy, Pine and Witherspoon make a lot of the given material projecting genuine chemistry making the love triangle believable.

The by-play between Pine’s brash American and Hardy’s uptight Brit characters are well handled.  They equip themselves admirably with the explosive gunplay lovingly overseen by Director McG.  The humour doesn’t descend into the lazy ‘bodily function’ gags taking a wittier approach.  All work hard in providing some clever ways of conjuring mirth with the romantic elements effectively working.

Hardly a contender in the ‘Best Film’s takes, ‘This Means War’ is nonetheless above average escapism.  Its’ story isn’t much but the strong acting and action make this a diverting escape from other less amusing fare.


Movie Review Rating  6 / 10

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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