Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newtown Elegy



(Steven Cravis - "Children of Beslan")


Newtown, Connecticut

December 14, 2012

your children are not coming home

ever again

there are no words
only the language of sobs and tears
can begin to express the shattering grief

the massacre of children
unfathomable sorrow, suffering and pain

the lives of twenty beautiful little kids
between the ages of six and seven years old
along with six caring adults were cut down
the lives they could have lived cut short
their dreams, hopes, and promise
the lives of their families and friends

how can anyone recover?

the only answer that comes
to weep together
hold tight to each other
reach out to those in pain
emanating more and more Love
together, supporting each other
Loving one another is the way through


my broken Heart, Love and Prayers
go out to the victims of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut
and to their families, friends, and community
and to all victims of violence everywhere around the world.


Newtown, Connecticut
another town placed upon a list
that should never exist

Newtown, Connecticut - 2012
Wenshu Township, China - 2012
Portland, Oregon - 2012
Aurora, Colorado - 2012
Utøya, Norway - 2011
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2011
Tuscon, Arizona - 2011
Winnenden, Germany - 2009
Virginia Tech University - 2007
Beslan, Russia - 2004
Columbine, Colorado - 1999
Jonesboro, Arkansas - 1998
Montreal, Canada - 1998
Dunblane, Scotland - 1996

and so many, far too many more


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