Monday, August 12, 2013

Here’s My Excuse for Drinking Hot Chocolate



Drinking two cups of hot cocoa each day helps older people's brain function, according to US researchers.

Almost a third of the 60 participants in a study had impaired blood flow at the start of the study. But when they drank two cups of cocoa a day and did not consume any other chocolate, blood flow improved by 8.3 percent.

No improvements were recorded in participants who started the study with healthy blood flow.

Chris Hatherly, Alzheimer's Australia's national research manager, said that it's likely the flavanoids in the cocoa that helps blood flow.

"The active ingredient in cocoa is flavanoids, not in the milk or sugar in chocolate," he said.

"It's looking at bitter dark cocoa, not sweetened hot chocolates. The sugar content in normal chocolate would offset the benefits and result in poorer outcomes." Hatherly said a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise are known to be the best thing for brain blood flow.

The study was published in the journal Neurology.

So with that study in hand, I take to the pantry find the chocolate, the milk and the biggest mug and I can locate. Alas I am transported to chocolate heaven and also taking “medical” research to assist maintaining my mental health. Anyone else joining me?

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