Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Movie Review ... The Lone Ranger


the-lone-ranger-movie-poster-2013Beginning life as a radio serial in 1933, the Lone Ranger has become an enduring hero.  Through many films, comics and TV shows, his cowboy heroics have dazzled generations.  Whilst the Western genre has gone in and out of favour over the years, the Lone Ranger continued to thrive.  This latest incarnation breathes new energy into an American icon as his brand of derring-do rocks the always wild west.

John Reid (Armie Hammer) is a law-man steadfastly protecting his turf.  When a group of nefarious villains hatch a plan to take over America, he decides to fight back.  Donning a mask and calling himself the Lone Ranger, this western avenger represents justice.  With Native American warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) as his companion, both clean up the wild streets any way they can.

Directed by Gore Verbinksi and starring Johnny Depp you’d think you were watching another ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film. Sharing more than a few similarities, ‘The Lone Ranger’ is yet another ludicrous romp.  Relying heavily on Depp’s performance, it’s a fun ride never once stopping for breath.  Despite its long run-time it glides along smoothly with the unbelievably ridiculous action sequences consistently amusing.  Whilst the absurd humour devalues the characters somewhat it sets out to entertain which it mostly does.

The performers have a grand time with a script mixing comedy and drama well.  Depp’s casting as a Native American may not be politically correct although his role has much chemistry with Hammer’s stoic hero.  The various people they encounter reveal much about their personas and helps viewers become engaged in their many adventures. 

‘The Lone Ranger’ shouldn’t be taken too seriously and is a slice of pure nonsense.  It’s a mega-buck spectacle revelling in its’ over the top escapades with the masked hero celebrating his return to screens in fine style.


Movie Review Rating  7 /10

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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