Saturday, October 26, 2013

Movie Review ... Blancanieves


11167606_detIt’s a brave production turning a beloved fairy tale into something totally unique.  Spanish movie ‘Blancanieves’ is such an entity.  Using the Brothers’ Grimm story ‘Snow White’ as its base, it’s one of the few recent films to be made in black and white with no sound.  Forcing viewers to obtain its pure drama, ‘Blancanieves’ makes a beguiling statement in taking cinematic risks.

When Carmen (Macarena Garcia) is found near a lake with amnesia, she is taken in by a group of bullfighting dwarves.  Not knowing her name, they call her Blancanieves.  While slowly recovering she begins showing her prowess as a grand bullfighter.  Impressed by her skills, her new friends turn her into Spain’s top attraction.  Disliking this development is her evil step-mother Encarna (Maribel Verdu) who will stop at nothing to destroy Carmen’s new-found happiness.

Photographed and crafted in a grandly opulent style, ‘Blancanieves’ demands to be seen.  This is very easy due to some stylish direction and quirky humour.  By discarding dialogue, it ensures viewers create their own interpretation of events.  Despite its Spanish flavour the well-known story is conveyed for all to enjoy.  All have enormous fun in twisting the Snow White tale in unpredictable ways.

Garcia makes for a bewitching heroine by successfully embodying her character’s determined demeanour.  She is matched by Verdu who clearly revels in the strident wickedness of her role.  Both make a strong impact amongst the excitingly staged bull-fighting scenes.   ‘Blancanieves’ has a nice rhythm ensuring the humour and drama blend nicely.  This makes for a consistently engaging movie with few slow moments.

‘Blancanieves’ breathes new life in an old classic.  Maybe not quite showing the Snow White we remember, it’s passion in creating new horizons is clearly and memorably seen.


Movie Review Rating out of 10:  8

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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