Saturday, April 26, 2014

Movie Review ... Transcendence


hr_Transcendence_4‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely’ is an oft-used phrase.  The quest for knowledge and riches has seen conquerors rise and fall.  The moral lessons of their endeavours have been used in stories for centuries.  ‘Transcendence’ gives this motif a high-tech spin.  With computers replacing the swords and bombs of old, it has given new goal-seekers another tool in achieving their sometimes dangerous aims.

Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is a leading expert in artificial intelligence.  Wanting to create a machine having its own intellect to gather information, his work has been controversial.  Aided by his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and friend Max (Paul Bettany), it seems he may reach his target.  His plans are thrown into disarray when nearly killed by extremists.  Requesting his mind be downloaded into the machine so his life can be saved, this new powerful entity unleashes a portent for humanity’s doom.

Much criticised for its slow pace, ‘Transcendence’ gives new meaning to the term ‘glacial story-telling’.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t reasonably engaging but an editor’s eye could have made it better. Blame should be rested on Wally Pfister’s shoulders in his directing debut.  Over-seeing the examination of the mis-guided abuse of power and the fight against technology, his fumbled mis-handling of the story nearly de-rails it.

Showing fine flair in making the world-wide threat seem real, Pfister also draws out some good performances.  Depp provides a quiet menace to his role with Hall successfully making her character’s actions believable.  Their character’s romance lends ‘Transcendence’ an unexpectedly tragic air as their love transcends cyber-space.  The action sequences are well staged almost managing to cover the many gaping plot holes.

‘Transcendence’ is a fair sci-fi romantic thriller without lingering too much on the memory.  The acting is solid even if the slow-pace isn’t with its messages on technology becoming lost amongst the cutting room floor.


Movie Review Rating out of 10:  6

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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