Tuesday, June 15, 2010





In the scene where Sloane is sitting in the taxi with Ferris and Cameron in the floor, Ferris' dad is in a taxi next to them reading the newspaper. As the scene ends you can see the headline 'Community rallies around sick youth,' however wording in the actual article indicate it is an article about a Chicago policeman killing himself.

According to John Hughes in the DVD Commentary (original DVD release), the voice Cameron uses while talking to Rooney pretending to be Slone's father was modelled after a stage director both Alan Ruck and 'Matthew Broderick' had worked for.

Cameron Frye's birth-date is 1 July 1967. Alan Ruck's birth-date is 1 July 1956. Alan Ruck was 29 years-old when he played the role of Cameron.

The dance sequence by the group on the stairs during Ferris's lip-synch performance of Twist and Shout is taken directly out of Michael Jackson's Thriller video.

Even though they played siblings, stars Matthew Broderick and Jennifer Grey would later become engaged after this movie.

John Hughes wrote the script in six days.

During the parade several of the people seen dancing (including the construction worker and the window washer) originally had nothing to do with the film. They were simply dancing to the music being played and John Hughes found it so humorous that he told the camera operators to record it.

Ferris laments not having his own car, but does at least own a synthesizer which cost $8,000 in 1984.

John Hughes told Ben Stein, who had a degree in Economics, to present an actual Economics lecture in his scenes. Hence nothing Ben Stein says (aside from the roll call) is scripted.

To produce the desired drugged-out effect for his role as the drug addict in the police station, Charlie Sheen stayed awake for more than 48 hours before the scene was shot.

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