Tuesday, April 3, 2012



  • Why is it that no matter what colour bubble bath is in the bottle, the bubbles are always white?
  • Why do we say "It's colder than hell outside"?
  • Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
  • Why is the word "lisp" spelled with an "S"?
  • Why do they call it a building when it's already built?
  • Why do you have to buy Barbie's friends, if she's so popular?
  • Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat has materialized?
  • Why are mattresses on sale every day? Isn't that the normal price?
  • Why do we still have apes (if people evolved from apes)?
  • Why is dental floss mint flavoured? All I ever taste is blood and chicken.

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