Monday, April 2, 2012



wrath-of-the-titans-movie-posterWith heaving torsos and maidens just as gladiatorial as their male counterparts ‘Wrath of the Titans’ revels in battles.  Hardly a high water-mark in film-making with an onslaught of CGI beasties and well-muscled heroes has its fans.   As a sequel to 2010’s remake of ‘Clash of the Titans’ it doesn’t deviate from its successful formula with the action recipe intact.  Whether this is a good thing depends on one’s tolerance for such movies with the spectacular visuals the main point of interest.

Angered at their defeat at the hands of the Gods, the once powerful Titans plot their revenge.  In their sights is noble God Zeus (Liam Neeson).  Led by his treacherous brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the plot to eradicate Zeus and destroy earth gathers apace.  Sensing trouble, Zeus calls upon brave warrior Perseus (Sam Worthington).  Enlisting the help of Queen Andromeda (Rosamund Pike) and others, Perseus walks a perilous path to victory against the vengeful and mighty Titans.

‘Wrath of the Titans’ can either be viewed as camp nonsense or a stirring action flick.  Those angles would be correct as this second ‘Wrath’ deftly provides both.  The actors ham it up for all its worth with more than a hint of the Monty Python ‘Life of Brian’ style performances looming large.  Surprisingly this doesn’t detract from a reasonably interesting story which betters the original in terms of intrigue.  Characters are forced to use their wits than brawn making for a refreshing change of pace.

Whilst the heroes are somewhat on the bland side, the villains are pleasingly conflicted.  This gives them an unpredictable quality with their actions always in question.  Director Jonathan Liebesman maintains a steady pace and mixes the action and spectacular CGI with skill.  Whilst the special effects occasionally over-whelm events, it looks more controlled than similar productions with the CGI aiding the tension.

‘Wrath of the Titans’ is pure popcorn escapism.  Thankfully it gives a little more than what you’d expect in terms of story seeing mighty warriors doing anything to achieve victory in an entertaining way.



Movie Review Rating  6  / 10

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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