Friday, November 30, 2012

Movie Review ... End Of Watch

end_of_watch_poster‘End of Watch’ is one of the more successful films in the ‘video footage’ genre.  Often these movies are an excuse to make a cheaply made production requiring little effort or logic.  Thankfully Director David Ayer utilises this format to tell an engrossing story.  Its biggest success is its authenticity as its protagonists attempt to survive in a tough world.  Providing an urgent immediacy to events proving just how effective the ‘shot from video’ format can be.
Brian (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike (Michael Pena) are police officers keen on their job.  Capturing their daily duties for a film project, their professional and personal bond is unshakeable.  It needs to be strong for the various people they soon encounter.  Thieves, murderers and drug barons are within their sights as life on the streets slowly turns into a deadly battle-field.
Amongst the expected car chases and shoot-outs, ‘End of Watch’ thrives on its characters.  From Gyllenhaal’s and Pena’s dedicated cops to their colleagues and the public they deal with, you genuinely believe in the situations they face.  The amount of danger they encounter daily is eye-opening with the lead’s strong friendship ensuring each has the other’s back.  Ayer is careful not to make this into a glorified recruitment movie however as he commendably shows some of the officer’s skewed sense of justice.
Occasionally the nature of the cinematography makes events drag although generally the story is consistently engaging.  The grainy shooting style adds to the gritty atmosphere with the dark streets given a more sinister appearance.  Although the script has an overall arc, the moments featuring other types of crimes effectively give an overview of the typical situations law enforcers endure.  
If the ‘Paranormal Activity’-style movie has put you off the ‘video footage’ genre, then ‘End of Watch’ should redeem it.  With a good blend of action and drama it also allows one to further appreciate the dilemmas officers face as they go about their normal duties.

Movie Review  7 / 10
Movie Review by Patrick Moore
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Patrick Moore's Movie Review is an alternative look at current movie releases in Australia.


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