Sunday, February 12, 2012



CHRONICLE POSTER‘Chronicle’ is the latest in the recent glut of low budgeted films hoping to make a fortune.  Audiences seem to lap these up even if very few have been good with most being cinematic atrocities.  Thankfully ‘Chronicle’ is a rare example.  Crafted with care while making the most of its modest budget, the mix of sci-fi/superhero conventions brings a fresh slant to an otherwise increasingly stale genre.

Matt (Alex Russell), Andrew (Dane DeHaan) and Steve (Michael Jordan) are three friends enjoying life.  Things are turned upside down as they stumble upon a mysterious cave.  Finding what seems to an alien life-form, they suddenly gain superhuman powers.  Amazed at their new abilities the trio test them for pure fun.  When one begins using them for sinister purposes, their friendship is forever altered in unimaginable ways.

A genuine surprise using the ‘shaky-camera’ concept with skill ‘Chronicle’ is an arresting production.   Entirely due to some decent acting, scripting and astute direction it creates an authenticity similar movies lack.  Helping are believable strands in the narrative with issues of bullying and emotional neglect successfully interwoven.  These elements enable genuine engagement with well-drawn characters effectively setting the scene for the many upcoming revelations.

‘Chronicle’ overcomes the ‘stilted feel’ of associated films with multiple cameras used to capture events allowing far greater movement of action.  Director Josh Trank understands this concept very well using it to create real feelings of excitement and horror.  He ensures ‘Chronicle’ never out-stays its welcome and captures the increasingly amazing events with great visual flair.

Unlike its lazier brethren ‘Chronicle’ makes a far greater effort in establishing new genre parameters.   Tightly paced with all areas of its production aiming for quality, hopefully future works will take note and move the field in a new and exciting direction.


Movie Review Rating 7 / 10

Movie Review by Patrick Moore

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